Bulk SMS Pricing Table for Both Promotional SMS (Usual Bulk SMS) And Corporate Route (DND Route)


We made this Pricing Table explicit for you to know the price at which you buy bulk SMS when you need 500 to 10million SMS units upward.

The table shows and explains the price you buy per unit of SMS if the quantity of your choice falls within a particular quantity range.

Quantity Range

(SMS Units)

Price Per Unit

(in Naira)

Cost Range

(in Naira)

500 - 999
0.97Kobo₦485 - ₦969
1,000 - 999,9990.85kobo₦850 - ₦849,999
1,000,000 - 5,999,9990.79kobo₦790,000 - ₦4,559,999
6,000,000 - 9,999,9990.76kobo₦4,560,000 - ₦7,599,999
10,000,000 - Upward0.65kobo₦6,500,000 & above



Bulk SMS Cost Analysis for Promotional SMS (Usual Bulk SMS)

Study the cost analysis table below for clarification and a better understanding of how you are charged for a page of SMS to each GSM network in Nigeria. The table will also enable you to know the cost you incur on every page of SMS you send.

GSM OperatorsUnits ChargeCost of A Page @ 79k/Unit
9mobile Nigeria
2.3 units/page79 kobo x 2.3 units = ₦1.81
(per page of SMS)
MTN Nigeria
2.8 units/page79 kobo x 2.8 units = ₦2.21
(per page of SMS)
Glo Nigeria
2.5 units/page79 kobo x 2.5 units = ₦1.97
(per page of SMS)
Airtel Nigeria
3.2 units/page79 kobo x 3.2 units = ₦2.52
(per page of SMS)
Bulk SMS for Corporate Route (DND Route)
Good News! Good News!! Good News!!!
We are glad to inform you that we have a process to follow and a list of documents to submit for your customized SENDER ID and messages to be delivered to the numbers on Do-Not-Disturb (DND) if you need our Bulk SMS Service for the following purposes/businesses:
1) Commercial Banks
2) Micro Finance Banks
3) Insurance
4) Pension Fund Administrators (PFAs)
5) Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG), etc.


Bulk SMS Cost Analysis for Corporate SMS Route (DND Route)

Study the cost analysis table below for clarification and a better understanding of how you are charged for a page of SMS to each GSM network on the DND route.

The table will also enable you to know the cost you incur on every page of SMS you send on the DND route.

GSM OperatorsUnits ChargeCost of A Page @ 79k/Unit
9mobile Nigeria
3.8 units/page79 kobo x 3.8 units = ₦3.00
(per page of SMS)
MTN Nigeria
3.8 units/page79 kobo x 3.8 units = ₦3.00
(per page of SMS)
Glo Nigeria
3.8 units/page79 kobo x 3.8 units = ₦3.00
(per page of SMS)
Airtel Nigeria
3.8 units/page79 kobo x 3.8 units = ₦3.00
(per page of SMS)